Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
HELiOS 2016 Service Pack 2 has just been released - developmental focuses were on a further increase of user-friendliness, a better overview and more support during product structure synchronization between HiCAD and HELiOS, further enhancement of the HELiOS-EPLAN interface including article links, BOM synchronization and transfer of changes in HELiOS to EPLAN, and much, much more...
We'll be presenting our new HELiOS Version in October at the EuroBLECH in Hanover. Come and visit us in Hall 11 / Stand A61 - with our partner BEOSYS we will show you how to link CAD, PDM and ERP to shape consistent and efficient corporate processes!
Enjoy reading!
Olivera Razmovska ISD Newsletter Team