Data Protection

The ISD Software und Systeme GmbH takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We keep strictly to the rules of data protection laws. Personal data are only collected to a technically necessary extent on this website. In no case will the collected data be sold or passed on to any third parties for any other reasons. The following declaration provides an overview of how this protection is ensured, which kind of data and for which purpose data are collected.

1. Information about collection of personal data

(1) The following paragraphs inform you on how personal data will be collected during your visit of our website. Personal data are all data that can be referred to you as a person, e.g. name, address, E-mail address(es), user behaviour.  

(2) Responsible according to Article 4, Paragraph 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU is the ISD Software und Systeme GmbH, Hauert 4, 44227 Dortmund, Germany, You can contact our data protection officer at or via our postal address with the addendum “Der Datenschutzbeauftragte” (German for “The Data Protection Officer”).

(3) When you contact us via E-mail or a contact form, the data with which you provided us (your E-mail address, possibly your name) will be saved by us to answer your questions. You can provide us with further data on a voluntary basis to facilitate our contact with you to answer your questions. The data received in the process will be deleted by us as soon as their storage will no longer be necessary, or, if there is a legal obligation to keep them, their processing will be restricted by us.

(4) If we use contracted providers for individual functions of our offer, or if we want to use your data for promotional purposes, we will inform you in the following in a detailed manner about the relevant processes, including the specified criteria for storage periods.

2. Your rights

(1) You can claim the following rights from us with regard to personal data referring to you:

  • The right to obtain information,
  • The right to demand correction or deletion of data,
  • The right to restrict processing of data,
  • The right to object to the processing of data,
  • The right to data portability.

(2) In addition, you are entitled to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority

Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Postfach 20 04 44
40102 Düsseldorf

concering our processing of your personal data.

3. Collection of personal data of visitors of our website

(1) In case of a purely informative use of our website, i.e. if you do not register, or otherwise transmit any information to us, we will only collect those personal data that your browser transmits to our Server. If you want to view our website, we will collect the following data, which are technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security. (Legal basis is Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter f of GDPR):

  • IP address
  • Date and time of request
  • Time zone difference compared to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content of request (concrete page)
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • Data volume transferred
  • Website from which the request comes
  • Browser
  • Operating system and its UI
  • Language and version of browser software

(2) In addition to the aforementioned data, cookies will be stored on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard disk of your computer, assigned to the browser that you used. They provide the party setting the cookie (here: us) with specific information. Cookies cannot run any programs or infect your computer with viruses. They only serve the purpose of making the Internet site more effective and user-friendly.

(3) Use of cookies:
a) This website uses the following types of cookies the scope and function of which are explained on the following page:

4. Other website functions and offers

(1) In addition to providing you with information, our website offers various services. To use these services, you will, generally, have to enter additional personal data as required for us to provide the respective services. This data is also subject to the aforementioned data processing principles.

(2) We sometimes use third-party service providers to process your data. We carefully select such providers, they are bound to our instructions, and they are monitored on a regular basis.

(3) We may also transfer your personal data to third parties if promotional activities, prize competitions, contract conclusions, or other services are offered jointly with our partners. You will receive detailed information upon entering your personal data or in the description of the respective offers below.

(4) If our service providers or partners are headquartered outside the EEA (European Economic Area), you will be informed of the consequences in the description of the respective offers.

5. Objection to or revocation of consent to the processing of your data

(1) You are free to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Such revocation will impact the reliability of the processing of your personal data once it has been issued to us.

(2) To the extent that the processing of your personal data is based on the balancing of interests, you may object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not required to execute a contract we may have with you. Please refer to the descriptions of the respective functions below for details. Should you object to the processing of your personal data, please indicate the reasons why you do not wish for your personal data to be processed as commonly practiced by us. In the event of your justified objections, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue/adapt the processing of your personal data or explain our compelling and justified reasons why we will continue to process your personal data.

(3) As a matter of course, you may object to the processing of your personal data for advertising and data analysis purposes at any time. To object to the processing of your personal data for advertising purposes, please contact us at ISD Software und Systeme GmbH, Marketing, Hauert 4, 44227 Dortmund,

6. Newsletter

(1) You can agree to subscribe to our Newsletter that informs you about current news and offers. The advertised products and services are mentioned in the declaration of consent.  

(2) We use the so-called “double opt-in” procedure for the subscription to our Newsletter. This means that we will send you an E-mail to a specified E-mail address after your subscription. In this E-mail we will ask you to confirm that you want to receive our Newsletter. If you do not confirm your subscription within 14 days, your information will be deleted automatically. Furthermore, we will save your respective IP address and the times of your request for subscription and confirmation. The purpose of this procedure is to prove your subscription, and, if required, investigate and solve misuses of your personal data.

(3) Mandatory information for obtaining our Newsletter is your E-mail address, Mr./Ms./Dr., First name, Last name, and Post code. All other information can be provided on a voluntary basis. After receiving your confirmation we will store these data to be able to send you the Newsletter. Legal basis is Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1, Letter a of GDPR.

(4) You can revoke your consent to our sending of the Newsletter to you at any time and unsubscribe from the Newsletter. You can do so by clicking on the Unsubscribe link that is provided in every Newsletter E-mail, or via this form on the website:, or via an E-mail to, or communicate to the contact information indicated in our disclaimer to unsubscribe from our newsletter.

7. Online forms

We will collect the personal data that you provide to us when using our online forms (orders of trial versions or student versions, ticket orders, contact request, registrations for training courses, seminars, other ISD events etc.). The data you provided to us via the online forms, such as name, company, E-mail address, phone number etc., will be stored and used by us for the purpose of communication with you. Please note that the data will not be transmitted in encrypted form. Therefore, no confidential information should be sent via the contact forms.
The data will not be passed on to any third parties, neither for commercial nor for non-commercial purposes.

8. ISD account

You have the option to create an ISD account via which we can store your data. Depending on your permission level, the ISD account will give you access to the following platforms: ISD Wiki, ISD Forum, ISD Online Help and ISD Filecenter. When creating an account at “My account”, the data specified by you will be revocably saved. You can delete your user account in your account area at any time.

9. The Remote Support functionality of the ISD Group

For customers with difficult-to-diagnose issues, the ISD Group has added a remote support functionality that enables it to view a customer computer remotely via the Internet in real-time. The Citrix software “GoToAssist” is used for this purpose. This functionality is used only when authorized by the customer and while the customer is at the computer unless the customer authorizes longer durations of remote access while he or she is not at the computer. The functionality enhances the customer’s ability to explain and demonstrate the problem being experienced.
For remote support, the customer initiates a secure connection with a support engineer of the ISD Group, enabling the support engineer to either view or take control of the customer’s system. In order to create this connection, the customer will download a small client to his / her system that will communicate with the support engineer’s computer. This connection will be encrypted via a 128-bit secured socket layer to ensure that no data transmitted between the customer system and the ISD support engineer is compromised. The communication between the two computers takes place via a server at Citrix Online. Detailed information on the utilized software, including a Security Whitepaper, can be found at:
Before the screen contents on the user’s computer are transmitted, the user will be asked if he/she wants to allow such transmission. The customer retains full control of his / her system throughout the session. If at any time during this session the customer wishes to terminate the remote connection, he / she may do so and upon termination the client will be completely removed from the customer’s system, and the ISD support engineer will no longer be able to view or access the customer’s system.
The ISD Group treats all information it receives during a remote support session as confidential and proprietary customer information received for technical support purposes.

10. TeamViewer-Client

For customers with difficult-to-diagnose issues, the ISD Group has added a remote support functionality that enables it to view a customer computer remotely via the Internet in real-time. On our website we provide a link to the TeamViewer-Client of the TeamViewer GmbH, Jahnstr. 30, 73037 Göppingen, Germany, Phone: +49 (0)7161 60692 50, E-mail:  Please note that the separate data protection information of the TeamViewer GmbH apply, which can be accessed via Datenschutzerklärung Teamviewer-Client. Clicking on the Download button gives you the permission to download the remote maintenance tool TeamViewer. After successful download and the installation of the executable file (Teamviewer*.exe), a support team member of our company can connect to your computer and gain access to your system. For this to happen, you need to let our support team member have the ID shown in a small window. Only then can the remote connection be activated. While performing the remote services the staff members of the ISD Group can see your screen with all information contained therein. In your own interest you should therefore close all programs and ads that have nothing to do with the remote support services. By your acceptance of the terms of use and your consent to the remote connection (through provision of the ID), you contractually agree to ensure that we, the members of the support team, will not gain knowledge of any personal data from your environment while performing the remote services. The transfer of data by means of the TeamViewer takes place via the Internet. TeamViewer uses an encrypted connection. However, unlawful viewing or accessing of transferred data by third parties can never be entirely ruled out. We recommend considering this aspect for your decision whether you wish to use remote support services.

Analysis tools

1. Use of Google Analytics

(1) The ISD websites ( und use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (”Google“). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies. They are text files that will be stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of our website. The information on your use of this website generated by the cookie will, as a rule, be submitted to a Google server in the USA, where it will be stored. If IP anonymization has been activated for this website, Google will abbreviate your IP address in all EU member states as well as in member states of the European Economic and Monetary Union prior to submission. The full IP address will only be submitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities for the website operator, and to provide other services in connection with the use of the website and the Internet.

(2) The IP address transmitted by your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be combined with other Google data.

(3) You may set your browser software to prevent cookies from being saved. Please note, however, that you may not be able to make full use of all website functions. In addition, You can prevent the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being collected by Google, as well as the processing of such data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available via the following link:

(4) This website uses Google Analytics with the extension ”_anonymizeIp()“. This means that IP addresses will be processed in an abbreviated form and cannot be traced back to an individual. If your data can be linked to your person, this connection will be prevented and your personal data will be immediately erased.
Click on the link below to block data collection via Google Analytics. An opt-out cookie will prevent the collection of your data in the context of future visits to this website:

(5) We use Google Analytics to analyze and optimize the use of our website. The statistical data will help us to improve our offer and make it more attractive to you, our users. For the exceptional cases where personal data is submitted to the USA, Google has acceded the EU-US Privacy Shield: Google Analytics is used on the legal basis of Art. 6 Clause 1 Sent. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(6) Third-party information: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. Terms of use:,
Privacy policy:,
Privacy statement:

(7) This website also uses Google Analytics to analyze overall visitor flow across multiple devices via user IDs. You may deactivate user analysis across multiple devices via the “My data”, “Personal data” function.

2. Use of Matomo

(1) The ISD Group websites (,, und use the web analytics service Matomo to analyze and optimize the use of our website. The statistical data will help us to improve our offer and make it more attractive to you, our users. Matomo is used on the legal basis of Art. 6 Clause 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(2) For evaluation purposes, cookies (cf. § 3 for details) will be saved on your computer. The controller will store the information thus collected exclusively on its server in [Germany]. No evaluation will take place if you delete existing cookies and object to future cookie storage. Please note that, if you object to the use of cookies, you may not be able to use the full scope of this website. You can prevent the storage of cookies via your browser settings. You can block the use of Matomo by unselecting the box below and, thus, activating the opt-out plug-in:

Select here whether a web analysis cookie may be set in your browser so as to enable the website operator to collect and analyze various statistical data.
If you wish to opt out, click on the following link to set the Matomo deactivation cookie in your browser.

3. Use of wiredminds

Our website uses the tracking pixel technology of the wiredminds GmbH ( for analysing the behaviour of visitors. In the process, data may be gathered, processed and saved, allowing the creation of user profiles under a pseudonym. Where possible and reasonable, these user profiles will be completely anonymized. For this purpose, cookies may be used. Cookies are small text files that are saved in the Internet browser of the visitor, and serve the purpose of recognizing the Internet browser. The gathered data, which may also contain personal data, are transmitted to wiredminds, or are directly gathered by wiredminds. wiredminds has the permission to use information that was left by visits on the websites for creating anonymized user profiles. The data obtained in this way will not be used without the explicit consent of the person concerned to identify the visitor of the website, and they will not be linked to any personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. Any IP addresses recorded will be anonymized immediately by deleting the last number block.  

4. Use of SalesFeed

(1) On our Dutch website, we use ”SalesFeed“, a service provided by SalesFeed Nederland B.V., ‘s-Gravelandseweg 46D, 1211 BT Hilversum, Netherlands (hereafter referred to as ”SalesFeed“). SalesFeed stores and processes information about your user behavior on our website. For this purpose, SalesFeed uses, among others, cookies. Cookies are small text files that are locally stored in the browser cache of your device and that enable the analysis of your visit to our website.

(2) We use SalesFeed for marketing and optimizing purposes, in particular, in order to analyze the use of our website and to optimize individual functions and offers as well as the user experience. The statistical evaluation of user behavior will help us to improve our offer and make it more attractive to you, our users. This constitutes our legitimate interest in the processing of the aforementioned data by a third party. The legal basis is Art. 6 Clause 1 Sent. 1 lit f) GDPR.

(3) You can disable the installation of cookies by deleting existing cookies and deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser settings. Please note that, in this event, you may not be able to access all functions of our Internet site. You may object to the collection and transfer of personal data or prevent such data from being processed by deactivating the execution fo JavaScript in your browser settings. You can prevent the execution of JavaScript code in general by installing a JavaScript blocker (e.g., or Please note that, in this event, you may not be able to access all functions of our Internet site.

(4) Third-party information: SalesFeed Nederland B.V., ‘s-Gravelandseweg 46D, 1211 BT Hilversum, Netherlands. Please refer to the website below for more information on how the third party handles data protection.

Social Media

1. Use of social media plug-ins

(1) We are currently using the following social media plug-ins: [Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Xing, and LinkedIn]. They are operated via a double-click system. When you visit our website, no personal data will be transferred to the plug-in providers to begin with. The plug-in provider can be identified via its initials or its logo on the label in the respective box. We provide you with the possibility to communicate directly with the plug-in provider via a dedicated button. Only by clicking on the respective field and, thus, activating it, will the  plug-in provider be informed that you have opened the respective website via our online offer. Only the data listed in § 3 of this statement will be transferred. Facebook and Xing state that the IP address will be anonymized immediately. Activation of the plug-in will trigger the transfer of your personal data to the respective plug-in provider, where it will be saved (for providers located in the USA, the data will be saved in the USA). Plug-in providers usually collect data via cookies. We, therefore, recommend that you delete all cookies via your browser's security settings before clicking on the gray boxes.

(2) We have no control of the data collection and data processing procedures, nor are we aware of the full scope of data collection, data processing purposes, or storage periods. We have no information regarding the deletion of the collected data by the plug-in provider.

(3) The plug-in provider will save your personal data as user profiles and use it for advertising or market research purposes and/or the user friendly design of its website. Such data use is, in particular, intended (also for users that are not currently logged in) for the selection of tailored advertising and to inform other social network users about your activities on our website. You may object to such user profiles being created. Please file your objection with the respective plug-in provider. Via plug-ins, we provide you with the opportunity to interact with social networks and other users so as to help us to improve our offer and make it more attractive to you, as a user. Plug-ins are used on the legal basis of Art. 6 Clause 1 Sent. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(4) The transmission of data is not dependent on whether you have an account with the plug-in provider or whether you are currently logged in on their websites. If you are logged in the plug-in provider's website, the data we collect will immediately be allocated to your account with the respective plug-in provider. By clicking on the activated button, e.g., to create a link to the website, the plug-in provider will also save such information under your user account and publish it to your contacts. We recommend that you always log off after using a social network, in particular, prior to activating the button. This way, you can prevent the allocation to your profile with the respective plug-in provider.

(5) Please refer to the privacy statements of the respective plug-in providers, which are referenced below, for details concerning the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by the plug-in providers. You will also find further information concerning your rights and setting configurations to protect your privacy.

(6) Please find below the contact details of the respective plug-in providers, including their URL and data protection policies:

  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA;; for information concerning data collection:, and Facebook is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield,
  • Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountainview, California 94043, USA; Google is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield,
  • Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94103, USA; Twitter is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield,
  • Xing AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, DE;
  • LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA; LinkedIn is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield,

2. Embedded YouTube videos

(1) We have embedded YouTube videos on our website. They are stored at and can be accessed via our website. [They are included in the “extended privacy mode”, i.e., no user data will be transferred to YouTube unless you play the videos. If you play the videos, the data listed in Clause 2 will be transferred. We have no control of this transfer of data.]

(2) Your visit to the website will trigger the notification to YouTube that you have opened the corresponding subsite to our website. Only the data listed in § 3 of this statement will be transferred. This is irrespective of whether YouTube provides a user account via which you log in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in on Google, your data will immediately be allocated to your account. If you do not want your data to be allocated to your YouTube profile, please log off before activating the button. YouTube will save your personal data as user profiles and use it for advertising or market research purposes and/or the user friendly design of its website. Such data use is, in particular, intended (even for users that are not currently logged in) for the selection of tailored advertising and to inform other social network users about your activities on our website. You may object to such user profiles being created. Please file your objection with YouTube.

(3) Please refer to the YouTube privacy statement for details concerning the purpose and scope of data collection as well as data processing. You will also find further information concerning your rights and setting configurations to protect your privacy: Google processes your personal data in the USA and is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield:

3. Use of Google Maps

(1) This website uses Google Maps. It enables us to show you interactive maps on our website and facilitates your use of the map function.

(2) Your visit to the website will trigger the notification to Google that you have opened the corresponding subsite to our website. Only the data listed in § 3 of this statement will be transferred. This is irrespective of whether Google provides a user account via which you log in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in on Google, your data will immediately be allocated to your account. If you do not want your data to be allocated to your Google profile, please log off before activating the button. Google will save your personal data as user profiles and use it for advertising or market research purposes and/or the user friendly design of its website. Such data use is, in particular, intended (even for users that are not currently logged in) for the selection of tailored advertising and to inform other social network users about your activities on our website. You may object to such user profiles being created. Please file your objection with Google.

(3) Please refer to the privacy statements of the provider, which are referenced below, for details concerning the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by the plug-in providers. You will also find further information concerning your rights and setting configurations to protect your privacy: Google processes your personal data in the USA and is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield:

4. Use of Google Adwords Conversion

(1) We use Google Adwords to draw the attention to our attractive offers on third-party websites. We use the advertising campaign data to evaluate the success of the individual campaigns. We intend to only show you advertising that might be of interest to you, in order to make our website more attractive to you and to achieve a fair calculation of advertising costs.

(2) The advertising tools are provided by Google Ad Servers. We use Ad Server cookies to measure certain success parameters, such as fade-in of advertisements or clicks by users. If you access our website via a Google ad, Google Adwords will place a cookie on your device. These cookies are generally no longer valid after 30 days and are not aimed at identifying you. The parameters stored in connection with these cookies are usually the Unique Cookie ID, the number of Ad Impression per setting (frequency), the latest impression (relevant for post-view conversions), and opt-out information (information that the user no longer wants to be contacted).

(3) These cookies enable Google to recognize your Internet browser. When a user visits certain pages of an Adwords customer's website and the cookie on the user's device is still valid, Google and the customer can see that the user has clicked on the advertisement and has been routed to the respective page. A different cookie is allocated to each Adwords customer. Therefore, cookies cannot be traced back via Adwords customer's websites. We do not collect or process personal data in the context of the aforementioned advertising measures. Google merely provides us with statistical evaluations. These evaluations serve to identify the effectiveness of the respective advertising campaigns. We do not receive any other data from the advertising tools, and we cannot identify any users by means of this information.

(4) Under the respective marketing tools, your browser will automatically establish a connection to the Google server. We have no control of the scope and further use of the data collected by Google via this tool. Our information to you, therefore, reflects our current knowledge. Via the integration of AdWords Conversion, Google is notified that you have accessed the respective part of our website or that you have clicked on our advertisement. If you are registered with a Google service, Google can allocate your visit to your account. If you are not registered with or logged in on Google, the provider may still identify and save your IP address.

(5) You may prevent being tracked via different methods: a) change your browser settings. Suppressing third-party cookies will prevent third-party advertising; b) deactivate cookies for conversion tracking via your browser settings; “” can be blocked This setting will be deleted when you delete your cookies; c) deactivate the providers’ interest-based advertisements, which form part of the “About Ads” self-regulation campaign, via This setting will be deleted when you delete your cookies; d) permanently deactivate Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome in your browser via Please note that, in this event, you may not be able to access all functions of this offer.

(6) The legal basis of the processing of your data is Art. 6 Clause 1 Sent.1 lit. f GDPR. Please find further information on Google data protection at and Alternatively, visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) website at Google is registered under the EU-US Privacy Shield,

5. Google Fonts

“This website uses Google Fonts of the Google Inc. Google Fonts serve the purpose of representing text types and fonts that are provided by Google. In order to make these fonts available to a multitude of web pages, these will be provided by Google on their web servers when the web page is accessed. During the use of Google Fonts the IP address of the user will be transmitted to the servers of Google, and the information on the fonts used will be transferred. In the process, data may be transferred to the server of Google in the USA. The information on the fonts will be stored in the cache of the browser. We embed Google Fonts in order to make our website more aesthetic and visually uniform.  The legal basis for the data collection is provided by Article 6 I 1 f) GDPR. Google has submitted itself to the EU-US Privacy Shield, More information on data processing by Google can be found in the Privacy Policy of Google and in the FAQ concerning Google Web Fonts (English) .”

6. Links and referenced to other websites

Our website contains links to other, external websites. Please note that we are neither responsible for the contents of websites of third parties nor for their compliance with data protection provisions.

7. Safety

ISD uses technical and organizational safety measures to protect your personal data collected by us against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, damage or unauthorized access. Our safety measures are constantly being improved in the course of technological progress.

8. Legal effectiveness

This disclaimer shall be regarded as part of the website from which reference is made to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text should not, no longer, or not completely, comply with the current valid legal situation, all other parts of the document shall remain unaffected regarding their content and validity.

9. Queries

Your trust is important to us. Therefore, we are always available to you to answer your questions concerning the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions that could not be answered by this data privacy statement, or if you wish to obtain further information on any of the topics stated herein, please contact the responsible data protection supervisor at: