Dear Customer,
Since customer satisfaction has always been our primary goal, we will start into the spring season with our 1st HELiOS Information and Discussion Day at our headquarters in Dortmund, Germany! You are no HELiOS customer yet? No problem, anyone interested will be welcome!
What you should also check out is our HiCAD ALUCOBOND® solution. In close cooperation with 3A Composites we have developed an outstanding solution for rear-ventilated facades that is especially geared towards design tasks involving ALUCOBOND® aluminium composite panels.
Read why it no longer makes sense to design in 2-D only, and why the acquisition of HiCAD is a worthwhile investment – in the latest issue of our reference report about one of our longest standing and most valued customers and HiCAD Award winner – the “Ingenieurbüro Gronow”!
Enjoy reading!
Your ISD Newsletter-Team